The wwwART Users Manual is provided in HTML format - the same file format used by Web Browsers. To read it, you need a World Wide Web Browser; the manual was designed for use with the Netscape Navigator browser, but should also work fine with most "modern" Web Browsers that support the Netscape extensions.
To read the manual, drag-and-drop the "Manual.html" document icon onto your Web Browser's icon (if you have Netscape Navigator, you can just double-click "Manual.html").
Alternatively, you can start up your Web Browser, pull down the File menu and select the Open File menu item (or similar command in other Web Browsers) and select the "Manual.html" file.
There are hot-links at the bottom of each chapter to take you to the next or previous chapter, to a specific chapter number, to the Table of Contents, or to the MicroFrontier Web Site.
You can read individual chapters of the manual (titled "Chapter-01.html" through "Chapter-12.html") or the Tutorial (titled "Tutorial.html" and "Tutorial-02.html") the same way as you opened the "Manual.html" file. The manual chapters are stored in the "Chapters" folder.
Since the wwwART manual is in HTML format, you can also open it in any WYSIWYG Web Page Editor (such as Claris Home Page, Adobe PageMill, Symantec Visual Page, Microsoft Front Page, Akimbo Globetrotter, etc.) and leave it open while you are also working on your web pages in the Web Page Editor and your graphics in wwwART.